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We provide legal advice to clients and, if needed, we represent them before the courts.

Since 2018, we also lead class action lawsuits. We have extensive experience in human rights, civil liberties and social justice issues. Our exceptional network of quality collaborators help us achieve our goals and serve our clients’ interests.

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All should be equal before the law. This statement is even more important when addressing civil rights and fundamental liberties.

At the heart of a free and democratic society is the liberty of its subjects. Liberty lost is never regained and can never be fully compensated for; therefore, where the potential exists for the loss of freedom for even a day, we, as a free and democratic society, must place the highest emphasis on ensuring that our system of justice minimizes the chances of an unwarranted denial of liberty.

R. v. Hall, [2002] 3 SCR 30 per IACOBUCCI J. (dissenting)

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Our team is made of a small number of trusted lawyers and staff. We choose this approach and take an individual perspective on our client-attorney relationships. We have limited resources and availabilities, therefore often declining new mandates.

We do have an exceptional network of collaborators and often successfully refer files to trusted colleagues and friends.

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A few decisions:

A few decisions:


Singh c. USA 2020 QCCA 655 > Appeal of a committal pending extradition & of a surrender order by the Minister

Martin c. Procureure générale du Québec 2020 QCCS 971 > Autorisation d’une demande d’action collective

R. c. Carrier, 2020 QCCQ 110 > Sentencing

R. c. X, 2019 QCCQ > Verdict sur culpabilité

Kritik c. R., 2019 QCCA 1336 > Appeal of sentence for an indeterminate period of detention

Teran Flores c. R., 2018 QCCA 1774> Autorisation en révision d’une décision sur remise en liberté provisoire

Singh c. USA,  2017 QCCS 3379 > Application for judicial interim release

LSJPA — 1511, 2015 QCCA > Appel d’une déclaration de culpabilité

Durand c. Montréal, 2013 QCCS 754 > Appel d’une déclaration de culpabilité

Selected press & media:

Selected press & media: